4 — Vayeira: Your Only Episode, Which You Love


In this parsha, Lot is THE WORST, and we don't understand why he chosen to be was saved from destruction. (Maybe it's G-dly nepotism at work?) Also, someone proposes divorcing G-d, Jaz admits to listening to too many Harry Potter podcasts, and Lulav questions whether the parsha passes the Bechdel test. 

Full transcript available here.

Content notes: This episode has numerous references to rape, sexual assault, and incest that are present in the parsha. There's also a brief discussion of historical slavery in our Continuity Corner, starting at minute 48, and other references to slavery throughout the episode. 

The article Jaz references 52 minutes in is Does the Bible Condone Slavery? by Lev Meirowitz Nelson.

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5 — Chayei Sarah: Women of Valor AND Agency


3 — Lech Lecha: Patriarchs and Matriarchs Behaving Badly